Yes, Two devils in 1 human, it’s not the real that two devil in one human,  but it’s called as a disorder, which name is Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) or split personality disorder.

In this disorder, there are two personality types in mind, two types of thoughts, actions and movements.

Normal people don’t understand that what is this,
some people call that, some devil has enters in the particular person or some called its a mentally disturbed person, but that’s not true, the reality is that, the person is having split personality disorder it also called as dissociative identity disorder.


There are lots of cause are available, which leads to this type of disorder,  but the main thing is STRESS AND ABUSE.

When the abuse comes to the mind, the main reason is that something happens in the childhood, which was the severe abuse and that cannot be tolerated by the particular person and in his mind, having severity of negative thoughts and impressions.

In the childhood, no one is around us to protect from the abusing people, you can be safe at the public places but when you are alone in school, in streets, some kind of place where there is no persons are available and you are getting abused by the people, that particular time is getting accumulation of negative thoughts in the mind.

Stress also play important role in this type of disorder, because due to the stress so many people in the United States and many countries did suicides, the final stage of this order is also leads to the suicidal habits, and the person cannot control on himself due to the dual personality.
Stress on due to the two main reasons,  that is by personally or financially.



  • Memory loss (patience with this disorder, regularly lost their memory due to the lots of thoughts in his mind).
  • Gap between the memory (patient is taking the gap it means he can switch from one personality to another and between this time he can forget the work or task he has done).
  • Getting addicted and not (it’s between the thoughts, sometime you need it and sometime you hate it, that means if a one personality is drinking and smoking and taking the drugs but another one is still normal, there is negative habit, which is related to the another personality).
  • Sometime the patient become violent and sometime normal.
  • Split the personality between anxiety and fearless.
  • Inadequate sleep causes sleep disturbances.



There is no treatment of dissociative identity disorder but, you can use the precaution while handling this type of patient such as

  • Don’t provide them the sharpen things like, knives, fork, spoon, cutter, scissors, blade, nail cutter, because from that they can harm themselves and other also.
  • Consultancy of a psychiatrist required, the psychiatrist will apply the psychotherapy, in which he analyse the what the things he wants to do in both the personality and while seeing the behavioural changes.
  • Psychotherapy involves the talking method in deep and also sometimes he (Patient) wants to do the self destruction and he wants to destroy himself by the tools available in the home or any public area, all the details will be asked to by the psychiatrist.
  • Some of the family member required to be with him console him that he is in good state or bad state as per suggestion by the psychiatrist.
  • Hypnosis is a method which is performed by the psychiatrist or the specialised doctor, in hypnosis the psychiatrist or doctor make the patient in the deep sleep state and make his mind calm.
  • While treating this disorder a specialised mental health provider required, because the patient is always wants to go for the suicide attempt, and he required the best therapy.





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