Yes you can make your OWN RADAR SYSTEM, you can purchase parts from the various E-Commerce website available on the internet,
Radar system main functionality is to EMIT  electromagnetic waves in the radio or in the receiver device or you can say electromagnetic signals sending and receiving phenomena.

Based on the requirement you can purchase the different parts of it and you can make this, there are various type of RADR system available in the market,

On which purpose you want to take the radar and for how much range is required. Here we will discuss.



it’s mainly consist of a magnetron from which, electromagnetic waves are emitting or spreading in the environment.


With the help of antenna the electromagnetic waves are enters into the environment and when these waves are hit any object, they came back to the same antenna and this whole process is done within seconds. Antenna having both the features sending and receiving the electromagnetic waves.


Here the duplexer role is to capture everything and analyse the electromagnetic wave responses.


To capture the electromagnetic waves and send them to the computer or further next steps.


Here we can see all the details of the electromagnetic waves and we can assume that what type of object, obstacles, or even a minute type of particle is distracting the electromagnetic waves.



it’s a same like an antenna when, we send the electromagnetic waves it will, objected by any surfaces and reflect back to the antenna, then duplexer identify the distance between the object and the antenna, for an example when plane is about to land you can see the distance  are frequently decreasing and the exact distance can be measured by the receiving electromagnetic waves from the antenna to the plane in the display.
It can also be helpful in measuring the speed of any moving object.


You have heard about that Ocean gate submarine was a sunk in the middle of the ocean and it was not able to search by many of the scientists and the many of the various experienced person but due to the just RADAR system we got the ocean get submarine,
The Doppler radar is capturing a sound effect of a moving object, it means when a object is moving from one direction to another direction, what is the sound frequency of that, it will be captured by this RADAR, this radar is also helpful in capture of weather report or weather forecast.


This radar is very high tech and very powerful and having the amazing capacity to capture small frequencies, small electromagnetic waves and identify the objects and even sometime the location also, This radar is used by the defence system.

And you can see the object in the display, like a point is moving in various direction or near to ranging power, For an example:- Have you seen that,  in Hollywood movies, missiles are going to Target another jet and there was no escape, if the JET speed is more powerful,  it can destroy the missile otherwise it’s not possible to distract the missile target. All of this phenomenal is used mainly by the radar system.

The automatic cars which doesn’t have any driver, it also work on this principle, it will capture all the data’s of electromagnetic waves and move accordingly, even the automatic car can identify the moving object like a man, animal or any pothole, any frequent driving speeding car or kids crossing the road, it can be identify that automatic car.

Note:- You can make your own radar, but for that you need a specific reason or like
You have lost somewhere, where there is no person no electricity and no mobile phones,  then it can be useful, like in forest, desert or middle of the ocean.


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